The Importance of a Balanced Internal Environment
“Nothing is more critical to the survival and independence of an organism – be they elephant or protozoa – than the maintenance of a constant internal environment.” wrote famed neurologist and author Oliver Sacks in a 2015 essay entitled A General Feeling of Disorder.
I believe we can confidently extend his illustrative examples of organisms beyond elephants and protozoa to organizations as well, which after all, share the same root word.
I’m sure we have all seen from direct experience that the internal environment of an organization often determines its ability to achieve and sustain success. Yet very little meaningful effort is expended on addressing issues in that environment. There is a vague sense that it is important and often the word “culture” is used to address this sense.
“Culture” however is too amorphous and ill-fitting a concept to enable a meaningful understanding of the internal environment. The word “culture has a variety of interpretations:
Some too superficial (foosball tables in break rooms or bagel Fridays)
Some merely vapidly descriptive (lists of values printed on coffee cups or corporate tchotchkes)
Still others pejorative, used to connote the “too soft” foil to a bottom line results orientation